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Mistress/Mastermind Group Mentorship Program & Sacred Business Leadership Course

container is full right now 


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Mistress/Mastermind Group Mentorship Program &
Sacred Business Leadership Course

 container is full right now 


Apply Now

Crystallise your vision, reveal the raw diamond polishing it to its excellence, exuberance & uniqueness for all to admire and see themselves in it.


The Diamond is dedicated to an intimate fully committed and devoted group of selected people that already have strong emotional intelligence and self leadership as well as for those that are ready to take their sacred business to the next level. 

"This mentorship empowered me to own my power, sexuality, sensuality, and inner magnetism, enabling me to create the reality I desire."- Nathalie Sommer

Crystallise your vision, reveal the raw diamond polishing it to its excellence, exuberance & uniqueness for all to admire and see themselves in it.


The Diamond is dedicated to an intimate fully committed and devoted group of selected people that already have strong emotional intelligence and self leadership as well as for those that are ready to take their sacred business to the next level. 

"This mentorship empowered me to own my power, sexuality, sensuality, and inner magnetism, enabling me to create the reality I desire."

- Nathalie Sommer

The Diamond is You.


You are the most precious jewel that exists.
The Diamond, that is you, is most valuable
and it deserves to be most valued.
Because it is destined to be extraordinary. 

You are the Mistress/Masterpiece.

The Diamond is You.


You are the most precious jewel that exists.
The Diamond, that is you, is most valuable
and it deserves to be most valued.
Because it is destined to be extraordinary. 

You are the Mistress/Masterpiece.


Desire to be deeply supported and held accountable for where you are at in your self growth, overall expansion & potential in life through dharmic leadership, sacred sexuality, embodied wealth, magical rituals all coming from absolute wholeness and sovereign fullness for the highest good of all beings.

Dare to dream BIG, are ready to realign energetically & to open up to receive all that the Yoniverse has to offer and more.

Are excited about giving your all in deepest devotion and service to love, dharma & the sacred.

There will be a maximum number of participants to ensure that everyone feels seen, mirrored, celebrated & ready to ascend to where their hearts have been calling them. 

Apply Now


Desire to be deeply supported and held accountable for where you are at in your self growth, overall expansion & potential in life through dharmic leadership, sacred sexuality, embodied wealth, magical rituals all coming from absolute wholeness and sovereign fullness for the highest good of all beings.

Dare to dream BIG, are ready to realign energetically & to open up to receive all that the Yoniverse has to offer and more.

Are excited about giving your all in deepest devotion and service to love, dharma & the sacred.

There will be a maximum number of participants to ensure that everyone feels seen, mirrored, celebrated & ready to ascend to where their hearts have been calling them. 

Apply Now


You know you are precious.
You know you have something to offer.
You know you have come here to play big.
You know you have come here to be the change that everyone is waiting for.
You know you are the change.
You know you are powerful.
You know you have a legacy to leave.


And now is the time to polish that Diamond.

You know you are precious.
You know you have something to offer.
You know you have come here to play big.
You know you have come here to be the change that everyone is waiting for.
You know you are the change.
You know you are powerful.
You know you have a legacy to leave.


And now is the time to polish that Diamond.

The Diamond can be

your body temple,
your relationship,
your eros,
your power,
your core offer,
your heart offer
your business
your legacy

your magnum opus that you desire
to gift to this world

The Diamond can be anything in your life that you want to give full unwavering devotion & love to.
Apply Now

The Diamond can be

your body temple,
your relationship,
your eros,
your power,
your core offer,
your heart offer
your business
your legacy

your magnum opus that you desire
to gift to this world

The Diamond can be anything in your life that you want to give full unwavering devotion & love to.
Apply Now

The Diamond Mistress/Mastermind
Next Level Mentorship PROGRAM IS WHERE

Together, we will excavate the Diamond. 
Together, we will polish it.
Together, we will cut it.
Together, we will guard it.
Together, we will protect it.
Together, we will admire it.
Together, we will present it to the world when it is ready.

Because only a diamond can polish and cut another diamond.

The diamond is the hardest substance on earth. Metaphorically speaking, it is unbreakable. This is your nature. The diamond withstands. It is created & undergoes the most intense pressure to become the most precious gemstone. I know that we all have undergone so much pressure in life and many of us still do. 

The Diamond Mistress/Mastermind
Next Level Mentorship PROGRAM IS WHERE

Together, we will excavate the Diamond. 
Together, we will polish it.
Together, we will cut it.
Together, we will guard it.
Together, we will protect it.
Together, we will admire it.
Together, we will present it to the world when it is ready.

Because only a diamond can polish and cut another diamond.

The diamond is the hardest substance on earth. Metaphorically speaking, it is unbreakable. This is your nature. The diamond withstands. It is created & undergoes the most intense pressure to become the most precious gemstone. 

I know that we all have undergone so much pressure in life and many of us still do.


I invite you to turn this pressure to your advantage.


Let it fuel you.
Let it turn you on.
Let it become and form into the Diamond that is YOU, that is your heart offering & that is your highest offering to this world.

Let the fire of your sacred desires guide you.
Let the love for your visions of your life nurture you.
Let the Diamond be polished & be appreciated by all.

And as time passes the once experienced pressure turns into leisure. The Leisure of the heart as there is no pushing more required as you have allowed yourself to follow your dharma.

The internal pressure is there because we still have so much to offer to this world.
As my teacher would say; leisure is earned.

I invite you to turn this pressure to your advantage.


Let it fuel you.
Let it turn you on.
Let it become and form into the Diamond that is YOU, that is your heart offering & that is your highest offering to this world.

Let the fire of your sacred desires guide you.
Let the love for your visions of your life nurture you.
Let the Diamond be polished & be appreciated by all.

And as time passes the once experienced pressure turns into leisure. The Leisure of the heart as there is no pushing more required as you have allowed yourself to follow your dharma.

The internal pressure is there because we still have so much to offer to this world.
As my teacher would say; leisure is earned.

We will use our existing Diamond Energy which is our Sacred Sexual Energy our Eros to Fuel, Polish, Cut & Reveal the Diamond.


When we are in a group setting, our eros becomes much more alive, strong, and powerful as it is fueled by each person's eros. The diamond energy is the most powerful source and gift we have been given to manifest our visions. We all come from the sacred act of sex. Sex is what gives life, transforms life, and creates life.

We are going to honor this most precious diamond energy with sacred rituals, fusing our time together with ancient techniques that will help us transcend our limiting beliefs, judgments, and fears that hinder us from daring to be the Diamond that is desired and admired by all.

Each time we enter our temple, time and space will dissolve and collapse. Together, we will dwell in potential while deeply honoring all that is here right now in our lives.

Because the key to the true Diamond is to value what is here and what is given, and to hold everything in the highest esteem, reverence, and gratitude without feeding the sense of lack.

It is the deep devotion and understanding of the ever-abiding grace that lets us play in the field of potentiality, dreams, visions, and magic, entering the ecstasy of life that is the never-ending experience of pleasurable pain and painful pleasure.

We will also playing in the field of practicality and implementation. Going step by step through a process of inquiry, refinement, decision making and implementation of proven communication and marketing strategies to bring out sacred business to the next level. 

We will use our existing Diamond Energy which is our Sacred Sexual Energy our Eros to Fuel, Polish, Cut & Reveal the Diamond.


When we are in a group setting, our eros becomes much more alive, strong, and powerful as it is fueled by each person's eros. The diamond energy is the most powerful source and gift we have been given to manifest our visions. We all come from the sacred act of sex. Sex is what gives life, transforms life, and creates life.

We are going to honor this most precious diamond energy with sacred rituals, fusing our time together with ancient techniques that will help us transcend our limiting beliefs, judgments, and fears that hinder us from daring to be the Diamond that is desired and admired by all.

Each time we enter our temple, time and space will dissolve and collapse. Together, we will dwell in potential while deeply honoring all that is here right now in our lives.

Because the key to the true Diamond is to value what is here and what is given, and to hold everything in the highest esteem, reverence, and gratitude without feeding the sense of lack.

It is the deep devotion and understanding of the ever-abiding grace that lets us play in the field of potentiality, dreams, visions, and magic, entering the ecstasy of life that is the never-ending experience of pleasurable pain and painful pleasure.

We will also playing in the field of practicality and implementation. Going step by step through a process of inquiry, refinement, decision making and implementation of proven communication and marketing strategies to bring out sacred business to the next level. 



Lean into what life has presented, is presenting and will present to you?

Feel It all?

Abide in the storm of the infinite ocean of emotions?

Polish the diamond to its excellency?

Align yourself energetically?

Enter the field of eros and hold big ecstatic energy?

Embrace yourself and the other diamonds fully?

Be embraced fully?

Show yourself fully?

Let yourself be seen, held, admired and celebrated?

Admire and celebrate the other diamonds?



Lean into what life has presented, is presenting and will present to you?

Feel It all?

Abide in the storm of the infinite ocean of emotions?

Polish the diamond to its excellency?

Align yourself energetically?

Enter the field of eros and hold big ecstatic energy?

Embrace yourself and the other diamonds fully?

Be embraced fully?

Show yourself fully?

Let yourself be seen, held, admired and celebrated?

Admire and celebrate the other diamonds?

 Testimonies of the Diamond Participants 

Filipa Uma - Bestselling Author, Yoga Teacher, Mother
Mario - Filmmaker
Lovisa - Mother of 3, Yoga Teacher, Writer, Orgasmic Birth Advocate
Melanie - Holistic Nutritionist, Movement Pedagogy & Mind Body Eating Coach

 Testimonies of the Diamond Participants 

Filipa Uma - Bestselling Author, Yoga Teacher, Mother (Portugal)
Mario - Filmmaker
Lovisa - Mother of 3, Yoga Teacher, Writer, Orgasmic Birth Advocate (Sweden)
Melanie - Holistic Nutritionist, Movement Pedagogy & Mind Body Eating Coach

Here is a photo of the Diamonds meeting in person live.

The Diamond Mentorship Program is where friendships are made for life

 Watch & listen to the in depth conversation and the
transformative journey of the Diamond Participants

Video Poster Image
Video Poster Image
Video Poster Image


Here is a photo of the Diamonds meeting in person live.

The Diamond Mentorship Program is where friendships are made for life

 Watch & listen to the in depth conversation and

the transformative journey of the Diamond Participants

Video Poster Image
Video Poster Image
Video Poster Image

The Diamond is a rolling container with a 6 month commitment.*




Starts in 2025
a 6 months rolling container 



2 group calls per month with teachings, mentoring & embodiment rituals (sacred sexuality)

2 group call per month with business pod meetings and implementation sessions NEW

Twice a month practices for you to repeat throughout the weeks

Telegram support, up to 4 days / week (2 more days added) UPDATED

Reign Your Queendom - 8 module of sacred business leadership course NEW

6-months access to the Devi Temple NEW


The Diamond only



4600€ full Investment
6 monthly instalments of 850
12 monthly instalments of 440€


The Diamond
+ 5 private calls



6400€ full Investment
6 monthly installments of 1150
12 monthly instalments of 590€


The Diamond
The Nectar of You: Sacred Erotic Wealth Expansion


7100€ full Investment
6 monthly installments of 1270
12 monthly instalments of 650€


The Diamond +

The Nectar of You: Sacred Erotic Wealth Expansion
+ 5 private calls 


8900€ full Investment
6 monthly installments of 1570
12 monthly instalments of 800€


* This container is open by application only. Your application will be reviewed within 72 hours, and in case of acceptance you will receive an email with all the payment options.

** We are also receiving cryptocurrency as payment.
If you want to pay with crypto please specify that in your application form. 


The Diamond is a rolling container with a 6 month commitment.*




container is full right now

new dates to be announced
a 6 months rolling container 



2 group calls per month with teachings, mentoring & embodiment rituals (sacred sexuality)

2 group call per month with business pod meetings and implementation sessions NEW

Twice a month practices for you to repeat throughout the weeks

Telegram support, up to 4 days / week (2 more days added) UPDATED

Reign Your Queendom - 8 module of sacred business leadership course NEW

6-months access to the Devi Temple NEW


The Diamond only

4600€ full Investment
6 monthly instalments of 850
12 monthly instalments of 440€


The Diamond
+ 5 private calls


6400€ full Investment
6 monthly installments of 1150
12 monthly instalments of 590€


The Diamond
The Nectar of You: Sacred Erotic Wealth Expansion


7100€ full Investment
6 monthly installments of 1270
12 monthly instalments of 650€


The Diamond +

The Nectar of You: Sacred Erotic Wealth Expansion
+ 5 private calls 


8900€ full Investment
6 monthly installments of 1570
12 monthly instalments of 800€


* This container is open by application only. Your application will be reviewed within 72 hours, and in case of acceptance you will receive an email with all the payment options.

*We are also receiving cryptocurrency as payment.
If you want to pay with crypto please specify that in your application


 RYQ Reign Your Queendom & Queens Alchemy included

(valued at more than 4500 euros alone)

NEW ADDITION: REIGN YOUR QUEENDOM Sacred Business Leadership Course with 2 live business and implementation meetings per month

In the Diamond, we not only play with masculine and feminine energy but also delve deep into uncovering and overcoming limiting beliefs. We integrate these experiences into our bodies, inviting sexual energy to heal deep-rooted wounds and create our reality. Additionally, we offer an 8-module Sacred Business & Leadership Course designed to support you in sharing your gifts with the world from an aligned and dharmic place. This course emphasizes self-care, helps you find your authentic voice, motivates you to create aligned offerings, covers marketing strategies, and assists in overcoming blockages related to money and social media.

Course Modules:

Welcome & Module 1:
⫸Wearing the Crown: Stepping into Your Queendom
Welcome, Queens & Kings!

Module 2:
⫸ The Queen’s Vision: Getting Clear on Your Signature Offering

Module 3:
⫸ The Diamond is You: Your Life, Your Self-Love, Care & Sexual Vital Energy

Module 4:
⫸ The Voice & Majesty of Your Castle

Module 5:
⫸ Wealth, Money & Integrity: May All Dharmis Be Wealthy & Rich

Module 6:
⫸ Launch Like You Make Love: Strategy, Discovery Calls, Mistress Class, Festivals

Module 7:
⫸ Invested - Know Your Enemies: Overcoming Obstacles Such As Competition, Comparison, Self-Judgment, Inner Critic, Low Self-Esteem, Blockages, Fears, Self-Sabotage, Procrastination, and Lack of Capital

Module 8:
⫸ Reign Your Queendom: Playful Feminine Leadership, Raw Honest Power, Team Building, Community, and Giving Back

Queen’s Alchemy:
⫸ Collaborating with others in business and participating in implementation calls.
(valued at more than 4500 euros alone)
NEW ADDITION: REIGN YOUR QUEENDOM Sacred Business Leadership Course with 2 live business and implementation meetings per month

In the Diamond, we not only play with masculine and feminine energy but also delve deep into uncovering and overcoming limiting beliefs. We integrate these experiences into our bodies, inviting sexual energy to heal deep-rooted wounds and create our reality. Additionally, we offer an 8-module Sacred Business & Leadership Course designed to support you in sharing your gifts with the world from an aligned and dharmic place. This course emphasizes self-care, helps you find your authentic voice, motivates you to create aligned offerings, covers marketing strategies, and assists in overcoming blockages related to money and social media.

Course Modules:

Welcome & Module 1:
⫸Wearing the Crown: Stepping into Your Queendom
Welcome, Queens & Kings!

Module 2:
⫸ The Queen’s Vision: Getting Clear on Your Signature Offering

Module 3:
⫸ The Diamond is You: Your Life, Your Self-Love, Care & Sexual Vital Energy

Module 4:
⫸ The Voice & Majesty of Your Castle

Module 5:
⫸ Wealth, Money & Integrity: May All Dharmis Be Wealthy & Rich

Module 6:
⫸ Launch Like You Make Love: Strategy, Discovery Calls, Mistress Class, Festivals

Module 7:
⫸ Invested - Know Your Enemies: Overcoming Obstacles Such As Competition, Comparison, Self-Judgment, Inner Critic, Low Self-Esteem, Blockages, Fears, Self-Sabotage, Procrastination, and Lack of Capital

Module 8:
⫸ Reign Your Queendom: Playful Feminine Leadership, Raw Honest Power, Team Building, Community, and Giving Back

Queen’s Alchemy:
⫸ Collaborating with others in business and participating in implementation calls.

As part of The Diamond Mentorship, you also get

a 6-month access to the DEVI TEMPLE

Devī Temple includes a vast library of 700+ of hours of pre-recorded material on the topics of yoga, spirituality, vedic wisdom, rituals, vedic chanting, mantra, sanskrit alphabet, sacred sexuality, wisdom of trauma, rites of passage, self care, feminine embodiment and more. Along with weekly Live Sessions including Satsang, Mistress Classes, Pūjā Rituals, Sharing Circles, Embodiment Sessions & Q & A Sessions.
Learn more about the Devi Temple

As part of The Diamond Mentorship, you also get a 6-month access to the DEVI TEMPLE

Devī Temple includes a vast library of 700+ of hours of pre-recorded material on the topics of yoga, spirituality, vedic wisdom, rituals, vedic chanting, mantra, sanskrit alphabet, sacred sexuality, wisdom of trauma, rites of passage, self care, feminine embodiment and more. Along with weekly Live Sessions including Satsang, Mistress Classes, Pūjā Rituals, Women Circles, Embodiment Sessions & Q & A Sessions.
Learn more about the Devi Temple

The Nectar of You *

Sacred Erotic Wealth Expansion

in Amaria, Portugal (Oct 28 - Nov 03, 2024)

Guides you to the temple of your heart and yoni, where you will discover the raw, innate artistic power that reveals and gives you the courage to pursue your wildest dreams and truly serve the Sacred. The pinnacle of this expedition is a seven-day in-person retreat, encapsulating a sensual, erotic, and artistically expansive experience. Luxuriously crafted and daringly adventurous, this journey draws its essence from the Vedic, Tantric, Shamanic, and Taoistic teachings, empowering you to fully embody the being you are destined to be.
*(only included in the first or limited edition)
Learn more about the Expansion

The Nectar Of You*

Sacred Erotic Wealth Expansion

in Amaria, Portugal (Oct 28 - Nov 03, 2024)

Guides you to the temple of your heart and yoni, where you will discover the raw, innate artistic power that reveals and gives you the courage to pursue your wildest dreams and truly serve the Sacred. The pinnacle of this expedition is a seven-day in-person retreat, encapsulating a sensual, erotic, and artistically expansive experience. Luxuriously crafted and daringly adventurous, this journey draws its essence from the Vedic, Tantric, Shamanic, and Taoistic teachings, empowering you to fully embody the woman you are destined to be.
*(only included in the first or limited edition)
Learn more about the Nectar of You

Are you ready for


I was born ready for you, for me, for us.

I am an Entrepreneur, the Visionary & Founder of the DEVĪ School, a Spiritual Mentor & Leader, a Vedic Priestess & a Sacred Sexuality Teacher  who has dedicated her entire life to discovering & living a life of truth, freedom, wholeness, grace & sacred beauty for me, for you, for us.

Everything I have done to empower myself, I have shared with all of my 1000s of students in many different contexts from yoga and women’s circle trainings, international spiritual retreats, online spiritual somatic embodiment coaching certifications and festivals.

It is my greatest joy and passion to guide, empower and celebrate people who are ready to embark on the journey of discovering their absolute freedom & their eros that fuels the mystery and gives the sacred beauty to life.

I am forever grateful for my incredible community that has grown so much over the last few years; seeing my students claim their wholeness, their dignity and dare to live again as an embodied freely expressed confident wealthy erotic powerful human being sharing their unique gifts with the whole world  is a true gift from the Universe to me.

There is no better testimony than the students, they are a living breathing example of the greatness of the spiritual heritage of the sacred teachings that are still intact.

I have had the immense blessing to study with traditional teachers, experts and mentors for many years in Venezuela, India, Bali and other parts of the world which has enabled me the understanding and foundation to carry forth these priceless teachings and practices that change one’s life forever.

For many years I was only dedicated to the spiritual path and didn’t bother much with the business side of life.

The truth is I had a big wound around money and wealth even though I grew up privileged nevertheless I experienced huge judgments, ideas and wrong beliefs when it came to wealth and spirituality which didn’t allow for wealth to be accumulated  in the form of money in my life.

Being a free person means total freedom and I wasn’t fully free until I took care of this money wounding and conditioning. So I decided after many years of traditional spiritual and sacred erotic studies to enter the field of conscious business and embodied wealth.

Are you ready for THE DIAMOND?


I was born ready for you, for me, for us.


I am an Entrepreneur, the Visionary & Founder of the DEVĪ School, a Spiritual Mentor & Leader, a Vedic Priestess & a Sacred Sexuality Teacher  who has dedicated her entire life to discovering & living a life of truth, freedom, wholeness, grace & sacred beauty for me, for you, for us.

Everything I have done to empower myself, I have shared with all of my 1000s of students in many different contexts from yoga and women’s circle trainings, international spiritual retreats, online spiritual somatic embodiment coaching certifications and festivals.

It is my greatest joy and passion to guide, empower and celebrate people who are ready to embark on the journey of discovering their absolute freedom & their eros that fuels the mystery and gives the sacred beauty to life.

I am forever grateful for my incredible community that has grown so much over the last few years; seeing my students claim their wholeness, their dignity and dare to live again as an embodied freely expressed confident wealthy erotic powerful human being sharing their unique gifts with the whole world  is a true gift from the Universe to me.

There is no better testimony than the students, they are a living breathing example of the greatness of the spiritual heritage of the sacred teachings that are still intact.

I have had the immense blessing to study with traditional teachers, experts and mentors for many years in Venezuela, India, Bali and other parts of the world which has enabled me the understanding and foundation to carry forth these priceless teachings and practices that change one’s life forever.

For many years I was only dedicated to the spiritual path and didn’t bother much with the business side of life.

The truth is I had a big wound around money and wealth even though I grew up privileged nevertheless I experienced huge judgments, ideas and wrong beliefs when it came to wealth and spirituality which didn’t allow for wealth to be accumulated  in the form of money in my life.

Being a free person means total freedom and I wasn’t fully free until I took care of this money wounding and conditioning. So I decided after many years of traditional spiritual and sacred erotic studies to enter the field of conscious business and embodied wealth.

My life has not been the same since.


My school became incredibly successful and we are now a dharmic business that is deeply centred in the matters of the heart with the vision and intention to inspire, support and guide all dharmis (people who have a deep sense of giving back to nature and all beings, who value all life and see all beings as equal) towards remembering that they are born free and sacred carrying their own unique magic, power, abundance, wealth and richness.


Imagine wealth in the hands of people who actually care about others; how would the world be?


In the Vedas it says; may all dharmis be wealthy because then all beings will benefit. Because wealth is to be shared. So here I am promoting wealth, abundance, prosperity and financial freedom for the highest good of all beings. Here I am encouraging you to dare to dream in the infinite potential, to let your visions become a reality for you, for me, for us.

My life has not been the same since.


My school became incredibly successful and we are now a dharmic business that is deeply centred in the matters of the heart with the vision and intention to inspire, support and guide all dharmis (people who have a deep sense of giving back to nature and all beings, who value all life and see all beings as equal) towards remembering that they are born free and sacred carrying their own unique magic, power, abundance, wealth and richness.


Imagine wealth in the hands of people who actually care about others; how would the world be?


In the Vedas it says; may all dharmis be wealthy because then all beings will benefit. Because wealth is to be shared. So here I am promoting wealth, abundance, prosperity and financial freedom for the highest good of all beings. Here I am encouraging you to dare to dream in the infinite potential, to let your visions become a reality for you, for me, for us.

Fill in the application form today and I will get back to you once it is reviewed.


In unwavering devotion,


Fill in the application form today and I will get back to you once it is reviewed.


In unwavering devotion,


Frequently Asked Questions 

Apply for The Diamond