What's Included
Your Teachers

This is Your one of a kind transformative journey to the Sanctuary of Your magnificent Being where you discover that ALL you have ever wanted is already here. 

I'm So Ready

This is Your one of a kind transformative journey to the Sanctuary of Your magnificent Being where you discover that ALL you have ever wanted is already here. 

I'm So Ready
 Live in Sacred Beauty. Connect to your Erotic Aliveness. Discover your Absolute Freedom. Thrive in your Relationships. 


our virtual altar,

most of the Devī School online Programs EVER created.



This is Shāradā's 15+ years of dedication ALL in one place.

You will also have access
to LIVE Ceremonies, Mistress Classes, Devī Circles, Satsang, Embodiment Sessions & ongoing support and mentorship through the Telegram community and so much more!

I want to join the Temple
Life transforms into an offering when we recognize the infinite abundance constantly available to us. An infinite wealth of priceless knowledge, embodied wisdom and sacred rituals await you! Initiating you into the next phase of your life and anchoring into your Dharma, your Purpose.

Your Own Unique Path

This Temple combines knowledge from Eastern Spirituality bringing forth the Wisdom of Oneness, through the teachings of Vedanta & Trauma Informed Embodiment Journeys.  

Devī Temple offers thousands of hours of both live or pre-recorded material that will support you whether you're a complete beginner or you want to dive fully into your Personal & Spiritual Growth. 

The Temple Vault holds a vast library of Vedic teachings in the form of Satsang Sessions, Guided Meditations, Vedic Mantra Chanting Classes, Sanskrit Alphabet Classes, Sacred Pūjā Rituals, Unfoldment of the different Vedic Archetypes & Goddess Worship. 

All of this is combined with an Embodied Journey through access to some of our Major Devī School Courses that are inspired by Jungian Psychology, The Understanding of the Unconscious, Inner Child Dynamics, Shadow Work, Wisdom of Trauma, Self Care  & Self Pleasure Massage, Somatic Experiencing, Yoni Egg and Crystal Dildo Rituals, Tantric & Taoistic Practices, Sacred Sexuality, The Nature’s Wisdom “Natural Apothecary”. 

The Expansion of
Dharmic Leaders 


The Devī Temple is the perfect way to broaden your skills and equip yourself with priceless knowledge & transformational tools to support you in bringing out your gifts into the World, continuing to be a dharmic leader and contributor in your community

Welcoming all Yoga Teachers, Therapists, Educators, Movement Therapists, Psychologists, Life Coaches, Healers, Motivational Speakers, Counselors, Care Givers, Doulas, Midwives, Teachers, Shamans, Spiritual Seekers, Team Leaders, Social Workers, Business Coaches, Human Resource Professionals, Entrepreneurs, Community Leaders. 

Your Highest Becoming

How can DEVI TEMPLE benefit your life?

In the Devi Temple, your heart will open to the sacred beauty of your own existence, the presence of the goddess, and the magic of this world. You will witness your heart blossoming, ready to shine your light.

The greatest gift you can offer the world is to:

⫸ Claim your place on this Earth
 Wield your power
 Acknowledge your worth
 Celebrate your beauty.

You are no longer part of the problem; instead, you become the solution to your enduring happiness, your highest love, and infinite wealth.

The Devi Temple serves as a reminder of the treasure within your own body temple, which is the abode of your divinity.

It is time to re-emerge from the darkness of self-ignorance and shame into the light of self-knowledge, sovereign wholeness, and dignity.
It is time to reawaken the sacred, erotic, powerful, wise, wild, free, embodied woman.
It is time for the high priestess, witch, and heroine to lead your life.

There is no greater fulfilment than embracing the wholeness of your existence.

Feminine Awakening

 Walk the path of the Heroine and Master your Emotions and Own Your Pleasure. The Heroine's Journey unfolds throughout the whole year of the Devī Temple as we connect to each of the topics month by month in the pre recorded and live online sessions. 

The topics that we will address bring light to Women's Empowerment, Sacred Sexuality, Somatic Embodiment, Ritual and the Altar, Fertility Awareness, Women's Cycles and Ayurveda for Women. 

You will discover the magic of Sacred Mantras, Prayers and Circle Songs. You will gain more clarity and connect to the depth of yourself, dive into the unconscious & Trauma, do Inner Child Healing, find trust in life, know true stability, learn how to understand and honour your boundaries, embrace true friendships, create community, feel connected to life, start women circles and get out of the fear of sharing your gifts. 

Life Transitions

The Priestess will equip you with the strength and knowledge to move through some of the most impactful life transitions we all face. 

You will learn rituals, rites of passage, mantras, prayers, the power of drumming and ancient songs to support:

 those that are giving birth and also that are being born, 
 those that are in the process of beginning their education, 
 young girls coming into their first bleed, 
 those that are coming together in a sacred union, 
 those that are becoming a mother or father, 
 those that are moving through menopause 
 and those that are facing death or one of their loved ones has passed away. 

These are powerful rituals that you can hold for your community, family and friends to ease and support them through these major life shits.

Relationship & Sacred Uncoupling as a Spiritual Path

From Ice Queen to Love Queen takes you on a sacred journey from facing heartbreak, loss, blame, shame and suffering to restoring, healing and coming back to a heart connected to Love.

You will learn about Sacred Uncoupling, meet the abandonment wound, learn about attachment styles and couple dynamics, connect to your inner child and receive tools to be with all of your emotionsYou will also be equipped with gentle trauma release exercises, connect with your resources and felt sense.

This course brings light on how to find freedom in relationships.

It supports you to come back to seeing that you are the source of love and happiness, so you no longer project it outside of yourself, but can embrace relationships from a place of fullness, instead of lack. It sheds light on how to come together in a union that is supportive of our emotional and spiritual growth.

It helps us understand the true meaning of love as a noun.
Love is.

Discover Absolute Freedom

This teaching uncovers the truth that me and you are the same being, one gold in many ornaments. 

Assimilating this knowledge helps to:

 Bring understanding, compassion & freedom in our relationships. 

 Free our hearts from inner conflicts, past pains and fears that we hold. 
 We become more at peace,
 We gain a better understanding of ourselves, the roles we play in this world, our environment & the world around us. 
 It ultimately brings you freedom. Mokşa. 

Journey Worth of a Heroine

The DEVI TEMPLE pathway

What's Included

Includes pre-recorded Vedic Wisdom Sessions, Rituals, Guided Meditations, along with the Self Paced Version to 3 Major Devī School Programs





Weekly Vedic Wisdom Class led by Shāradā Devī
(Teachings, Meditation, Chanting)

Monthly Temple Experience led by Shāradā Devī

Monthly Devī Circle & Pūjā Rituals led by Savitā Devī 

Surprise Mistress Classes or Playshops led by Shāradā Devī


*Sessions are held Thursdays, Saturdays & Sundays.  The Schedule may vary from month to month. 
Can’t make it to a live session ? All Sessions are recorded so you can watch them at your own leisure.

I want In!

Full Hearted Presence, Support & Guidance
All The Way Through

You will have access to a Telegram Community where you can share your experience, connect with other Devī Temple participants, share inspirations, ask questions, feel seen and heard and make friendships for life!

Sylwia Savitā will be present as a Sacred Mirror and General Support in this Community. Shāradā Devī will have surprise transmissions. 

Create Your Unique Path Call

You will be invited to a one on one call with Sylwia Savitā that will guide you on how to navigate through the material and help you create your own unique pathway through the temple that most fits your needs and interests. 

This Special Q & A Bonus is here to help you take the most out of your Devī Temple Experience.

Major Programs

Immediate Access to a Collection of Pre-Recorded Programs 

 The Heroine's Journey 

Be the Heroine of your own myth and learn the art of sacred space holding 


throughout the year of the Devi Temple

 The Priestess Initiation, In Service to the Sacred
Participate in 7 Major Rites of Passage, 7 Devī Embodiments, 7 Ritual Prayers & Chants & The Art of Drumming 

 Living Wisdom 
Dive deep into the Vedic Wisdom & Guided Meditation 

 Ice Queen to Love Queen 
Embark on a transformative journey from numbness to unconditional love & erotic aliveness.

Devī's Magick

Immediate Access to a Collection of incredible playshops, master aka mistress classes, 3 complete festivals with over 40 different renowned lead teachers, speakers and leaders of our time

 Navarātri Festival Recordings
3 complete festivals with 40 renowned guest teachers and leaders of our time

 Mistress Classes  Topics:

Relationships  Creativity,
Sacred Rage,
Boundaries  Empowerment,
Pleasure & Orgasm  Self & Body Image,
and more...


Living Goddess

Sex Magick 

The Temple Vault 

ALL Vedic Wisdom Courses EVER made by Devī School 

 Gurustotram - Devotional Hymns in Dedication to the Uninterrupted Teacher Student Relationship
 Shanti Prayers & Mantras Learn the 10 Sacred Peace Prayers to invoke harmony on all levels
 Tattvabodha, The Knowledge of Truth - Discover the Truth of Your limitless Self & This Whole Universe
 Moments with Iśvara/Devī & oneself  - Guided Meditations leading you to the sanctuary of your heart
 Sanskrit Alphabet Studies - Learn the basics of one of the most Sacred Languages

 Saṁvāda Sūktam - Walk on the path of Dharma, unite in prayers and intention for cosmic harmony

 Value of Values - Live an Integrated Life
 Bhagavad-Gītā - The Vision of Wholeness
 Satsang - An Encounter with Truth
 Vedanta Retreat - An Immersion to Discover True Freedom
 Introduction to Vedanta (Yoga Teacher Course) in German 
 Absolute Happiness - Discover lasting Happiness  through transformative Vedic Guided Meditations  
 Understanding the Mind & The Unconscious - Befriend Your Mind, Connect to Your Inner Children & Unload the World through vedic teachings, jungian psychology and deep Guided Meditations 
 Fundamentals of Vedanta  - this course is for Yogis & Yoginis, Meditation Practitioners, Therapists & all Sincere Spiritual Seekers

 Sacred Devī Prayers & Mantras - There is not one goddess or many goddesses. There is only Goddess. Your deep goddess immersion. 

 Vedic Gods & Goddesses of India - Connect to the beauty and truth of Ganesha, Sarasvati, Siva, Rama, Lakshmi, Hanuman, Krisna and more

The Temple Vault 

ALL Vedic Wisdom Courses EVER made by Devī School 

(over 800 hours!)

Valued Over 8 900 €

Meet Your Ceremonialists

Shāradā Devī

Shāradā is a devoted and committed student and teacher of Vedanta, Sanskrit & the Vedic Tradition, a Priestess of Ceremonies & a Vedic Chanting Mistress. She is the visionary, creatrix & heart of Devi School where Spirituality meets Embodiment. She is also a VITA Sex, Love & Relationship Coach from the Tantric Institute Of Integrated Sexuality, Sacred Sexuality Teacher & CNT (Abdominal) & Karsai (Womb & internal Sexual Organ) Massage Therapist.

From an early age, Shāradā was on the quest for Moksha, absolute freedom, which led her to Venezuela, India & Bali, seeking guidance & answers to the fundamental questions of life.

20 years ago her journey started with Yoga and more than a decade ago, she found her revered teachers in the lineage of Swami Dayananda Saraswati and has since then been living in Bali & India studying the ancient teachings of the Vedas directly with her teachers. In her lineage, the study of the unconscious aka inner child, devotional practices such as rituals, mantra and guided meditations is incorporated which also shines through in all her magical offerings. She has been teaching the jewels of the Vedic Tradition from the very start of her own journey as she has been encouraged to do so by her teachers. 

Sylwia Savitā 

Sylwia Savitā has been diving deep into Inner Child & Trauma Healing, Authentic Relating, Sacred Sexuality & Tantra, Somatic Experiencing, Visual Arts & Art Therapy.

She is currently doing the 1 year VITA Sex, Love & Relationship Coach Training with Layla Martin & also the Peter Levine's 3 year Somatic Experiencing Training.

She is a devoted student of Vedānta, Vedic Mantra Chanting, Sanskrit & Sacred Vedic Rituals and Traditions, which she has been assimilating daily since over 5 years.

Her curiosity and truth seeking, will for growth and healing brought her to yoga at the age of 20. She has then successfully completed over 650h Teacher Training: Vinyasa (Meghan Currie), Ashtanga (Irena Bartolec) & Sama Yoga.

Her love for exploring new cultures, languages & nature has led her to live and study across the globe. She currently lives and creates in South East Asia, Bali.

She is the co-creatrix, Course & Events Refinement Magicienne, Ceremonialist, Space Holder, Emotional Support, Community Care, Senior teacher and GM in Devī School. She also overlooks the smooth movement of the Major Devī School Programs, In Person & Online Events, In Person Trainings & Retreats, Devī Circles and is the Navatātrī Festival Coordinator.

What Others Say



Starting from 360€ monthly  


 LIVE weekly and monthly virtual altar ceremonies 

 Immediate access to the Temple Vault – a collection of pre-recorded Programs & Mistress Classes (over 800 hours!)

 All paid mistress classes that take place during your membership

 Telegram community support 

✥ Special one on one Path call with Savitā Devi


✧ Navaratri 2024 Online All Access Pass 
Elegant Devi School Bag
✧ Priority Sign Up to any live Retreats or Cohorts

✧ Special Rates for the Live Cohorts of the Major Programs
✧ 300€ off for the Expansion Retreat


Devi Temple Monthly


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Devi Temple 4 Months


One Time Investment Quarterly

Receive 1 Month as a Gift 

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Devi Temple YEAR


One Time Investment Year

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Cancellation Policy

Note that your payment is non-refundable. For details please read our Cancellation Policy.


Frequently Asked Questions