“I always knew there is more to sex and intimacy. Now I experienced this. This is just the beginning.” Martina
Envision yourself accessing and owning your full power
How would that feel?
Scary as hell or exciting as meeting a new lover?
Your power is yours.
Take it back.
Own it.
We have seen for too long how people abuse and misuse their power, and this has led us to where we are today.
A mistrusting society.
A corrupt government.
A fear inducing religion.
A rigid culture.
Yes we can focus on the problem.
But we know that does not lead anywhere.
Instead we can focus on the solution.
Create the world you want to live in. Be the Leader you want to follow. Become the beacon of light.
Power goes with knowing the law of karma and following dharma universal values. Power goes with gentleness. To use our dharmic power is an act of love and in reality everyone longs for it.
This Master / Mistress Class is dedicated to the Dharmic power, the truth that frees us and sets us on the "right" path living in our highest timeline serving Love and the Sacred.
You are meant to embrace the full potential and you know that.
You know you have a legacy.
You know you came here to walk on the path of dharma towards freedom.
You know you have infinite potential and an ocean of love to share with the world.
You know that magick is all around us and you are ready to embrace her fully.
Then this offering is for you.
A whole day dedicated to the fullness of your existence.
Open to all, Women, Men & Non Binary Beings.
to activate your power &
manifest your desires for the highest good.
Guided by the Vedic Teachings we unfold the meaning of Guru, the Teacher, the Teachings as well as recognise how each one of us is a powerful being destined for the highest.
Guided by my 20 years experience the totality of you will be held. Your fears, your doubts, your questions. This is an invitation to be in the hot seat Most people are afraid of their own power. If we don't embrace these fears they will dictate our life. This is the moment to face them to liberate yourself and step into your supreme destiny.
Sex Magick
A ancient ritual that will blow your mind, open your portal and take you to the next level. Our Sexual Energy is the most powerful force gifted to us by the universe to use for the highest good of all beings.
“For the first time in 30 years I touched myself with true care and love. The most transformative experience I have ever had” - Stephan
“I felt truly loved, held and safe the whole way through. Something has opened up and I can´t wait to see where this will take me” - Sara
Love Note
From Shāradā Devī
Your Dharmic Power is sacred and I desire for you to use it because we all will benefit from it. All beings long to surrender, all beings long to be guided, to be shown that there is another way. I know you have gifts. I know you know that all that is here is in reality love. I know you so intimately because I am you. We have the same desires. We desire security. We desire happiness. We desire love. We desire truth. We desire magic. We desire depth. We desire fearlessness. I am here to be your sacred mirror to help you remember what you already know and help you see what I see in you: a whole and complete sacred being that is destined for freedom, magic, and infinite potential just like my teachers have done for me. This day is in honour of the truth, the teachings, the sacred relationships that have supported us to cross the ocean of pain and sorrow so that we can abide in the ocean of love of our own existence. It is a day dedicated to taking our power back, our sovereignty, our wholeness and I would love to spend it with you. Together we are stronger. Together we are more powerful. Together we are our own society, our own culture, our own world. We are the one we have been waiting for.
“I feel at home. Finally I felt welcomed. You used different pronouns and included all beings. That made me feel seen and access my emotions. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.” - Avril
“I came 3 times. Wow” - Cinthya

Activate your power & Manifest Your Vision
During the Sex Magick Ritual
You will receive the recordings after signing up
(recordings available for 2 weeks)
Special Offer
If you are in the Devi Temple you are already registered for this Mistress Master Class. All of the Mistress Classes that are held throughout the year are included in the Devi Temple Membership, along with 700+ hours of pre-recorded material and Live Temple Rituals, Sharings and Pūjā Rituals.