"The mind is always busy, and its nature is restless. In the Gita, Arjuna says, “I can perhaps stop the wind with my hand, but not this mind”. Restlessness itself is the mind. The mind is entrenched, turbulent, and very powerful. How then, can one sit and meditate?"
Pūjya Swāmī Dayānanda Sarasvatī
In the Vedic Teaching we look upon our body as the outer instrument and the mind as the inner instrument.
The Antah Karana aka Inner Instrument is divided into 4 parts:
Manas - mind
The place where your doubts, feelings and emotions are, felt sense.
Chittam - memory power
The place where our memories are, also the unconscious
Buddhi - intellect
The place where our intellect is. Discernment, choices, knowledge takes place, there is clarity.
Ahankara - ego
The 4th part is our ego, the I-notion. The ego identifies and says; I am the body, doer, knower, experiencer… the ego can identify with anything.
In this module, we will focus more on our Inner Instrument called Antah Karana, through Guided Meditation and Vedanta Classes - building a relationship with out minds & unconscious.
Who is sharing knowledge in this module?

Shāradā is a devoted and committed student and teacher of Vedanta (non-dual teachings) and the Vedic Tradition, Master of Ceremonies & Vedic Chanting as well as the Founder of BeWomanProject. At this present moment, she is undergoing one of the most in depths sex, love & relationship coaching programs.
From an early age, Sharada was on the quest for Mokṣa, absolute freedom, which led her to India & Bali, seeking guidance & answers to the fundamental questions of life.
More than a decade ago, she found her revered teachers in the lineage of Swāmī Dayānanda Sarasvatī and has since then been living in Bali & India studying the ancient teachings of the Vedas directly with her teachers. In her lineage, the study of the inner child, Jungian Psychology & devotional practices such as rituals is incorporated which also shines through in all her magical offerings.
Her background in Odissi Dance, a temple dance, Āyurveda, Tantra, the deep dive into ancient rituals, and the secrets of Devī 'the goddess' played a profound role in her own discovery of the sacred feminine; which was also the inspiration to start holding circles for women.
In recent years, she has immersed herself deeply into natural fertility awareness, body literacy, sacred womb wisdom, womb yoga, holistic sex education as well as trauma release through breathwork & women’s psychology.
She is the creatrix of the BeWomanProject that today offers international women's circle facilitator courses that are based in the Vedic Tradition, incorporating a holistic and tantric approach to reclaiming one's own self-worth, a sense of belonging & returning to healthy integrated wellness that deeply honours all beings as sacred.
"Upāsana yoga is the sacred discipline where I sit (asana) with that which is close (upa); my mind. It is the most important meeting of all, where I can set account with all the characters of the stage and resolve all my unresolved issues. This is crucial in order to have a mind that is available for the knowledge to take place."

Beautiful Art by Lori Menna.
What is The Pearls of Wisdom?
Pearls of Wisdom is a mix of pre-recorded and live classes that you can follow from the cosiness of your own home. It is born from the deep love towards the sacred teachings of Vedanta, Mantra, Puja, Meditation, Sanskrit and Yoga Asana. Unfolded to you by Vaidika Dharma Rituals & Teachings with the support and help of Sylwia Savitā Miszczuk .
A warm welcome to join class

"I found Sharada almost one year ago in the Embodied Woman Festival and since the moment that I heard her words I knew that I wanted to be her student. Therefore, I started going to the Pearls of Wisdom Classes and my life has been changing since there. Sharada has this way of bringing the Teachings of Vedanta to our earthly life, we feel part of the teachings and it’s a lot easier to understand and integrate into our lives.
I need to confess that my favorite classes are always the Mantra dedicated ones because I love to sing and for me the Sanskrit language and her melody as a direct connection to the mystery that is embracing us at every moment.
If you want to find a way to explore the cosmos that is inside you I totally recommend you to go to the Pearls of Wisdom. Sending love, Cindy. Om"
Cindy Costa, Portugal

"I virtually came across Sharada and the Pearls of Wisdom classes during the first lockdown in 2020. I firmly believe that when One is ready, the Teacher appears. I had been "self-teaching" Sanskrit and Mantras for a few years, doing my own research with books and audios, but I was longing for guidance. For a voice to hear, for someone to whom I could ask questions.
Finding the Pearls of Wisdom group lit up my sparkle and enthusiasm again. The classes are fascinating, both accessible and extremely deep.
Sharada's teachings in Vedanta Philosophy and Mantra practice, her pedagogy, precision, support, generosity and full attention to all students is amazing and precious.
Sylwia introduces the Sanskrit alphabet with great enthusiasm, sincerity and joy. I find learning to write and read Sanskrit a meditation in itself, demanding focus, full presence, discipline, humility, open heart and mind.
I find the Mantra practice a beautiful tool in everyday life, to support emotional stability and to help in constant self-discovery. The various symbols, deities, concepts that are invoked in the Mantras are all aspects of Myself and of Life. Chanting is both an intimate and universal prayerful attitude.
I am grateful for these teachings, for the fantastic online platform with abundant content, for the consistent program, the weekly meetings that encourage me to work deeply, regularly and well-supported on the Path of Self-Inquiry."