Warm exotic welcome Goddess
You have said yes to brining in a new flavour to your life.
We have 6 in depths Mistress Classes for you
(instead of Master Class. We are all about reclaiming words)
dedicated to Power, the Sacred, Sexuality, Wholeness, Worthiness & the bond of true Sisterhood.
This series was offered in occasion of the celebration of our brand new online educational platform Devī School where Spirituality meets Embodiment.
Life is an Offering ➳ Women on Fire ➳ Liberated while Living ➳ Prosperity Healing Meditation ➳ Lead Women's Circle➳ Meet the Empress & the Muse.
Come ready to move, chant, heal, learn, share, pray and celebrate
dedicated to our spiritual growth, feminine embodiment & undiscovered potential.
you are Love
Shāradā Devī
Ladies, this is the most powerfully nourishing gifts you can offer yourself. My wise and soulful bali sister Sharada has tirelessly compiled content so that You can enjoy it for free WOW! This woman, her being, and her teachings are quite special..connecting you back with your true feminine essence. ENjoY <3
I fully recommend to anyone that is looking to embody the Sacred Goddess and see how you can ritualize your life..step out of searching for love outside of yourself but uncover the truth that what you are looking for is already there... you just need to lift the cover and relax into the beauty and magic of your own self...6 classes filled with pleasure, wisdom, magic, healing, connection and wonder.

What others are saying...

"Immensely grateful for the potent teachings shared with an abundance of sweetness and tenderness, ferocity and joy. You are truly a wonder Sharada Devi".
Erin Devi

“Sharada Devi you are light and love- reminding us that we are the same. This journey has been priceless, timeless and madhu, madhu!”
Raz Ananda

"This project and its teachers surpassed all of my expectations. A rare gem in a world full of many many offerings. Fully integrated and lived ancient knowledge shared with skill and relevance, making it applicable to everybody today. Empowering, gender-less, trauma informed.”