What's Included
Rites Of Passage
The Teachers

March 1st to March 18th 2025

*Please note this will be the last time for now that we are running this training*




Join Us in the magick, beauty and sacredness of Mother Bali!


March 1st to March 18th 2025

*Please note this will be the last time for now that we are running this training*




Awaken and Remember the Priestess You Are


Open to Women, Non Binary Beings
& Those that Identify with Being a Woman.




Ritualize Your Life

Awaken and Remember the Priestess You Are


Open to Women, Non Binary Beings & Those that Identify with Being a Woman.






You who knows that life is meant for freedom, for love, for growth and magic.

You who wants to be connected to the Sacred at all times and be in service to it.

You who wants to heal old wounds from being a baby, a student, a bleeding woman, a sexual woman, a mother, a woman who is loosing her blood and encountering death.

You who wants to be deeply empowered and reclaim the lost power through rites of passage and offer them to others.

You who longs to use their sacred energy for the highest good.

You who wants to bring in ritual in the early hours.

You who wants to rebuild the trust in community and offer a sanctuary for all.



You who knows that life is meant for freedom, for love, for growth and magic.

You who wants to be connected to the Sacred at all times and be in service to it.

You who wants to heal old wounds from being a baby, a student, a bleeding woman, a sexual woman, a mother, a woman who is loosing her blood and encountering death.

You who wants to be deeply empowered and reclaim the lost power through rites of passage and offer them to others.

You who longs to use their sacred energy for the highest good.

You who wants to bring in ritual in the early hours.

You who wants to rebuild the trust in community and offer a sanctuary for all.

This is my invitation for you to join our In-Depth Priestess Initiation Training mainly based in the Vedic Tradition which leads from the darkness of duality into the vastness of the limitless indestructible being from where all magic is born, exists and goes back to.


Life is a pilgrimage
 to ultimately discover the sanctuary of your being.

 Awaken the Inner Priestess who always knew that we are intimately connected with life and with each other.

 Honor your sacred duty to maintain the balance between the seen and the unseen worlds.

 Abide in the Oneness between you and the whole universe which leads to fearlessness & Truth be told: that is the true pilgrimage of life. 

This is my invitation for you to join our In-Depth Priestess Initiation Training mainly based in the Vedic Tradition which leads from the darkness of duality into the vastness of the limitless indestructible being from where all magic is born, exists and goes back to.


Life is a pilgrimage
to ultimately discover the sanctuary of your being.

 Awaken the Inner Priestess who always knew that we are intimately connected with life and with each other.

 Honor your sacred duty to maintain the balance between the seen and the unseen worlds.

 Abide in the Oneness between you and the whole universe which leads to fearlessness & Truth be told: that is the true pilgrimage of life. 

"I feel that for the first time in my life I know "what I want to be". It's beautiful. I am overwhelmed, and it feels so good. And every single word I have heard and read from you in the past five years has been a piece placed in the puzzle leading to this. Thank you, for your courage with Devi School and all of you. "


When we as beings, mothers, sisters, daughters come together in prayers for the highest good we bring about change; in ourselves, in each other and to all around us. The world doesn’t need to be saved.

What it needs is:

Beings like you, who are ready to pray for everyone to help them remember their sacredness and wholeness.

Beings that cut through the BS of division.

Beings that stand in pure integrity.

Beings that shine brighter than 10,000 suns — loving, crying, roaring, shaking, dancing, laughing, celebrating, birthing, emitting truth and universal values that will protect all beings.

Beings that know that the unseen is far more vast than the seen.

Beings that follow and trust their intuition.
Beings that wield The Goddess’s magic.
Beings who have learned to communicate with their hearts and wombs.
Beings that speak their truth.
Beings that honour their boundaries.
Beings who move their sacred sexual energy for the highest good.
Beings that stand fearlessly up for all beings in heart and prayers.
Beings who know their worth & place in this life.

Beings that don’t settle for less than that which is most auspicious.
Beings that know they are the presiding deity of their own body temple.
Beings who wield time and all life transitions.
Beings that are sacred mirrors of love, validation, and compassion to all people.
Beings that see and know Oneness.
Beings that take every opportunity to celebrate, honour, and be in service of the Sacred.

Beings that know that life is meant for Spiritual Growth ultimately.
Beings that embrace all flavours of life and are an expression of the Goddess themselves.

This is for you if you know that You are That Being

Maybe a part is still hiding. 
Maybe a part is still traumatised. 

Maybe a part is still afraid. 

Maybe a part is still doubting. 
But deep down in the core of your being
you know that you are That. 

What is included in the Priestess Initiation Training?

Both program online and in person will give you the opportunity to immerse yourself into the Vedic teachings deeply as well as an unique experience of the ritualistic Vedic way of life. Yet certainly, the in person experience where you join beings from different backgrounds, ages, nations and from different parts of the world is incomparable.

There is just nothing quite like a room full of wise beings ready to meet the unknown, the magic and mysteries of life.

In Bali we are graced with a limitless amount of the most fragrant & colorful flowers that are being offered daily at the Altar of the Goddess which makes this experience one that you will remember the rest of your life. 

If you choose and join us live in Bali you will not only see for yourself that there are people living & embodying the vision of oneness and honour all that is here as sacred but you will also have the opportunity to take the magic back home with you so that wherever you are, you know that you belong because you truly will have seen for yourself that sacred connections do exist and things that once were thought to be impossible become a reality.


You will step into your full beauty and power as a facilitator and leader through:

  • A full Pilgrimage of Life & Embodiment of the Priestess
  • 7 Rites of Passage for the 7 Major life transitions of Birth, Study, Menarche, Sacred Union, Motherhood, Menopause and Death
  • Daily Morning Pūjā & Sādhana (Ritual & Practice) to abide in the attitude of gratitude and in cosmic harmony with all living beings
  • Feminine Embodiment where you will learn the Sacred Art of True Embodiment 
  • Traditional Balinese Purification Ceremony with Balinese High Priest* 
  • Balinese Temple Pilgrimage where we dress up in the traditional way and immerse ourselves in the magick of prayers and ritual*
  • Spa Pilgrimage where we get to nurture, pamper, cleanse and restore ourselves and each other*
  • Meet Ibu Robin Founder of Bumi Sehat Natural Birthing Clinique and CNN HEROINE*
  • Sound healing and Voice Activation: Heart Songs with Marlia Cœur

**is not included in the self-paced version**


  • Sanskrit Prayers & Embodiment Sādhanas for the highest Spiritual Growth and Feminine Empowerment
  • Trust, Devotion & Ancient Vedic Knowledge 
  • Understanding the daily, occasional & yearly auspicious times to celebrate and offer ceremonies 
  • The meaning & crucial importance of Deities - Vedic Goddesses & Gods  
  • Understanding the Law of Karma and how to neutralize papa karma (painful situations caused by past unconscious actions)
  • The Power of Sankalpa – Setting Clear Intentions 
  • How to handle & get out of Samsāra “the Wheel of Becoming Disease"
  • The 4 Yugas (the Cycle of Times)
  • From Unmanifest to Manifest - giving Form to the Formless
  • Abiding in Cosmic Harmony & participation Mystique 
  • Ceremonial Space, Altar Worship & Puja – Vedic Ritual 
  • Sound healing and Voice Activation – Heart Songs & Mantras 
  • Sacred Prayers & Circle Songs for each Rite of Passage 
  • Creating safe and brave, sacred spaces for establishing Community, in a sense of belonging & worthiness
  • The power of sacred gatherings as a gentle yet deep healing modality
  • The gifts of Self care – Love & compassion
  • A complete Priestess Manual 

What is included in the Priestess Initiation Training?

Both program online and in person will give you the opportunity to immerse yourself into the Vedic teachings deeply as well as an unique experience of the ritualistic Vedic way of life. Yet certainly, the in person experience where you join beings from different backgrounds, ages, nations and from different parts of the world is incomparable.

There is just nothing quite like a room full of wise beings ready to meet the unknown, the magic and mysteries of life.

In Bali we are graced with a limitless amount of the most fragrant & colorful flowers that are being offered daily at the Altar of the Goddess which makes this experience one that you will remember the rest of your life. 

If you choose and join us live in Bali you will not only see for yourself that there are people living & embodying the vision of oneness and honour all that is here as sacred but you will also have the opportunity to take the magic back home with you so that wherever you are, you know that you belong because you truly will have seen for yourself that sacred connections do exist and things that once were thought to be impossible become a reality.


you will step into your full beauty and power as a facilitator and leader through:

  • A full Pilgrimage of Life & Embodiment of the Priestess
  • 7 Rites of Passage for the 7 Major life transitions of Birth, Study, Menarche, Sacred Union, Motherhood, Menopause, and Death
  • Daily Morning Pūjā & Sādhana (Ritual & Practice) to abide in the attitude of gratitude and in cosmic harmony with all living beings
  • Feminine Embodiment where you will learn the Sacred Art of True Embodiment
  • Traditional Balinese Purification Ceremony with Balinese High Priest*
  • Balinese Temple Pilgrimage where we dress up in the traditional way and immerse ourselves in the magic of prayers and ritual*
  • Spa Pilgrimage where we get to nurture, pamper, cleanse and restore ourselves and each other*
  • Meet Ibu Robin Founder of Bumi Sehat Natural Birthing Clinique and CNN HEROINE*
  • Sound healing and Voice Activation: Heart Songs with Marlia Cœur 

**is not included in the self-paced version**


  • Sanskrit Prayers & Embodiment Sādhanas for the highest Spiritual Growth and Feminine Empowerment
  • Trust, Devotion & Ancient Vedic Knowledge 
  • Understanding the daily, occasional & yearly auspicious times to celebrate and offer ceremonies 
  • The meaning & crucial importance of Deities - Vedic Goddesses & Gods  
  • Understanding the Law of Karma and how to neutralize papa karma (painful situations caused by past unconscious actions)
  • The Power of Sankalpa – Setting Clear Intentions 
  • How to handle & get out of Samsāra “the Wheel of Becoming Disease"
  • The 4 Yugas (the Cycle of Times)
  • From Unmanifest to Manifest - giving Form to the Formless
  • Abiding in Cosmic Harmony & participation Mystique 
  • Ceremonial Space, Altar Worship & Puja – Vedic Ritual 
  • Sound healing and Voice Activation – Heart Songs & Mantras 
  • Sacred Prayers & Circle Songs for each Rite of Passage 
  • Creating safe and brave, sacred spaces for establishing Community, in a sense of belonging & worthiness
  • The power of sacred gatherings as a gentle yet deep healing modality
  • The gifts of Self care – Love & compassion
  • A complete Priestess Manual 

What Do the Days Look Like?

To establish the best foundation for you to fully embrace and integrate your processes, we will dedicate two full days to each of the seven major life transitions.


Morning Session: Embodiment Ritual

On the first day of each transition, we will enter the present phase of life with an immersive and sensual Feminine Embodiment Ritual. This time is dedicated to experiencing the current life transition, for meeting and unwinding old traumas and wounds through somatic awareness, movement, touch and sounding. It is an intimate space for us to heal the 5 stages of Holistic Sacred Sexuality. Liberating our sacred energy, learning to move her, use her, harness her for the highest good.

Afternoon Session: Priestess Teachings

In the afternoon, we will delve into the Priestess Teachings—our inspiring lecture series on the fundamentals of living a life in service, honoring the unseen world, giving back, and understanding the myths of our times. Special Guest Teachers, experts in their respective fields, will also share their knowledge and wisdom during these sessions.  


Morning Session: Vedic Ritual

On the second day, we begin in the auspicious magic of the early morning hours. Here, we take time to establish and deepen our relationship with the divine. We offer our reverence through physical, verbal, and mental prayers as we learn to perform an ancient Vedic ritual called Pūjā.

Afternoon and evening Session: Rite of Passage Ceremony

The early afternoon and evening of the second day will be dedicated to elaborate, magical ceremonies—our Rites of Passage, to heal that transition of life, to make up for those moments where we did not get celebrated or acknowledged and to prepare us for that important time in our lives. These rites of passage will create lasting impressions in the heart, meet unmet needs, sanctify life as sacred, and instill a deep sense of belonging, worthiness, and sacredness. These ceremonies are a magical expression and participation mystique, a regression to the magical being—now with wisdom, understanding, and depth. 

 What Do the Days Look Like?

To establish the best foundation for you to fully embrace and integrate your processes, we will dedicate two full days to each of the seven major life transitions.


Morning Session: Embodiment Ritual

On the first day of each transition, we will enter the present phase of life with an immersive and sensual Feminine Embodiment Ritual. This time is dedicated to experiencing the current life transition, for meeting and unwinding old traumas and wounds through somatic awareness, movement, touch and sounding. It is an intimate space for us to heal the 5 stages of Holistic Sacred Sexuality. Liberating our sacred energy, learning to move her, use her, harness her for the highest good.

Afternoon Session: Priestess Teachings

In the afternoon, we will delve into the Priestess Teachings—our inspiring lecture series on the fundamentals of living a life in service, honoring the unseen world, giving back, and understanding the myths of our times. Special Guest Teachers, experts in their respective fields, will also share their knowledge and wisdom during these sessions.  


Morning Session: Vedic Ritual

On the second day, we begin in the auspicious magic of the early morning hours. Here, we take time to establish and deepen our relationship with the divine. We offer our reverence through physical, verbal, and mental prayers as we learn to perform an ancient Vedic ritual called Pūjā.

Afternoon and evening Session: Rite of Passage Ceremony

The early afternoon and evening of the second day will be dedicated to elaborate, magical ceremonies—our Rites of Passage, to heal that transition of life, to make up for those moments where we did not get celebrated or acknowledged and to prepare us for that important time in our lives. These rites of passage will create lasting impressions in the heart, meet unmet needs, sanctify life as sacred, and instill a deep sense of belonging, worthiness, and sacredness. These ceremonies are a magical expression and participation mystique, a regression to the magical being—now with wisdom, understanding, and depth. 

The 3 magic ingredients:

Sacred Ritual

Rituals acknowledge the sacred in all aspects of life. Through altar worship, we honor the divine. Embodiment practices recognize and cherish our bodies as temples. Rites of passage give meaning to life’s transitions, upholding them as the sacred thresholds of growth and transformation they are.

Sacred Beauty

Creating beauty is one of the most intrinsic forms of devotion. It lives in the sacred expressions of your heart, your care, love and kindness. It is embraced by allowing all emotions, by the courage to be vulnerable and authentically you. We will give space to it through luscious offerings of flowers, dance, celebration, art, and creativity—embracing every moment as a canvas of the divine.

Sacred Sound

Sound carries the vibration of life. Through chanting, singing, music, voicing and sounding, we connect with the harmony of creation, the pulse of our hearts, and the seen and unseen aspects of existence. By honoring the all-encompassing sound of the universe—the Ṛta—we align with the rhythm of dharma, leading us on the path of values, truth and purpose.

Rites of Passage

aka Samskāras 

The main focus of our Priestess Initiation Training is the sacred transitions of life. This training offers a deep immersion into the world of rituals, where you will receive the Rites of Passage dedicated to the seven major transitions. It is a time to remember and restore the healing and empowering gifts of being in community, as well as an opportunity to release any trauma from the original events and realign your life.

The ritual world of Vaidika differs greatly among regions, villages and individuals. However, the common thread uniting them is the understanding that all that is here is sacred.

A detailed series of life-cycle rituals (samskara, refinements, rites of passages) mark major transitions in the life of the individual. 

The Vaidika way of life perceives each element of an individual’s life as sacred and worthy of worship and celebration.

Thus, from the moment of birth, intake of first food, writing of first letters, till marriage, and death, every life event is associated with sacredness, worship, and celebration. 

Even in death, wherein people always mourn, it is recognized that the journey of the jivatma has not ended and the death rites aim to aid the jivatma to regain new birth and continue its journey further. Thus, even the Death Rites are sacred and have utmost importance in the Vaidika scheme of things. 

Samskaras, or Vaidika Rites of Passage, according to the ancient sage Panini, are the ornaments that decorate one’s personality. They mark the important stages of one’s life and enable one to live a fulfilling life, complete with happiness and contentment. They pave the way for one’s physical and spiritual journey through this life. It is believed that the various Vaidika samskaras meticulously lead to a purification of one’s ‘papas’, (vices or faults), and even correction of physical deformities. The Upanishads mention samskaras as a means to grow and prosper in all four goals that a human being can have: These goals, or Purushartha are: Dharma (righteousness), Artha (wealth), Kama (work and pleasure) and Moksha (freedom). 

Birth Initiation

Honoring the precious gift of life and invoking long health, mental brilliance and abundance on all levels

Studies Initiation

Honoring education and the Goddess of knowledge through Mantra and Sanskrit Language Initiation

Menarche Initiation

Honoring the first bleed through learning about the wisdom of the womb & its natural cycles

Sacred Union Initiation

Honoring the inner union of the sacred feminine and masculine & the art of sacred erotic

Motherhood Initiation

Honoring the gift of becoming mother to a child as well as a mother in and of the universe 

Menopause Initiation

Honoring the entering into the wise being phase also known as second spring with Guest Teacher Beta Lisboa

Death Initiation

Honoring the cycle of life and death and embracing the unknown and inevitable





I am Sharada Devi Founder & Creatrix of Devi School and I am so delighted to walk with you through a complete cycle of life. During our Priestess Initiation we will experience a life time and I know it will create a deep bond, a long lasting imprint that will impact your life in the most magnificent and meaningful ways. 

It is my honour to mirror you so that you can mirror others. 
Walking the path of the Priestess has re established a sense of deep worthiness which has given me the confidence to be all that I never thought I could be. 

Through Rites of Passage I have re gained a deep sense of belonging something we all human beings long for and need in order to have the strength and enthusiasm to meet life in its fullness. 

Ritual and Rites of Passage have given me the magic in my life I have always been dreaming of since I was a little girl.  I didn't know that it was the missing ingredient until I was initiated. 

I have had the profound blessing to be initiated by my revered teachers who have blessed me to pass on these initiations. Now I can initiate you so that you can initiate your next kin. A sacred lineage of Priestesses that IS being in true service of the Sacred. 

Greek Priestess Marlia Cœur 


Marlia Cœur is much more than a musician. She is healing through her music. She is a vocal activator and facilitator of human potential expressed through the voice. She has journeyed around the world with her music, offering live performances, sacred experiences, high-energy vocal workshops & retreats. With a growing presence, she is a powerful voice in the world of ‘Ceremonial/medicine music’ and the rising global community of people who are committed to residing in harmony with the Earth. Through intentional breathing, true embodiment & vocal encouragement, she guides you to fully connect to your heart, freely sing your soul’s song and vibrate your true power with love. You can find her albums and listen to her Sound Healing Journeys on Spotify, Soundcloud, Bandcamp & YouTube as "Marlia project"

Priestess Sylwia Savitā



Sylwia is our Polish Priestess here to fully assist you as you awaken your Inner Priestess. She has been by my side supporting many undertaking from Pearls of Wisdom, Be Woman Project to Devi School for the last 6 years. Devoted to her own emotional & spiritual growth never shying back from any challenge she has learned to meet Devi in all her forms grace & prayerfully. She has poured her love into the birthing of so many of our projects including our annual mahā Navarātri 9 nights of the Goddess Festival. She is an essential part of the smooth and successful establishment of Devi School which is deeply appreciated and a sanctuary for many today. Her cheerful, loving, clear, sweet & devoted presence inspires and offers a safe sacred mirror for healing & transformation.


Birth Priestess Ibu Robin Lim 


Bumi Sehat Founder, a non-for-profit organisation, based in Bali, Indonesia. Bumi Sehat operates three Community Health, Education & Childbirth Centres within Indonesia.

Ibu Robin Lim Filipina~American~Micronesian grandmother midwife, Doula and founder of Bumi Sehat NGO which maintains clinics in Indonesia and Philippines. Like my Filipina grandmother, I am blessed to kneel at the feet of birthing women, the StarGate between Earth and the Land of Souls. Every 11 seconds a pregnant woman or newborn dies somewhere on Earth. 800 mothers and 7,000 babies die each day. Most of these lives are lost due to preventable or treatable causes. Solutions include: humanizing protocols and practices for birth and postpartum care, eradicating disparities in food security and making skilled midwives and trained doulas available to every MotherBaby.

Menopause Priestess Beta Lisboa 


I am a passionate Brazilian spiritual seeker, founder of Dynamic Spiral Yin Fascial Yoga, a fascia awareness yoga system. I offer Yoga mentoring program for teachers, Women's Embodiment Coach, Somatic Experiencing Trauma Therapist, Myofascial Release bodywork healer, and Author.

After much research over 25 years of learnings, my passion focuses on women’s embodiment and trauma healing integration. My school of yoga advocated over more than 500 graduates in 20 different countries with over 5000 hours of teaching experience.

Ida Rsi Wisesanatha (Bali High Priest)


Ida Rsi Wisesanatha (Bali High Priest) is a sociable and modern priest. Ida Rsi became involved in the spiritual world through his work as a meditator in 1981. By 2000, he was deeply connected and guided by nature (the Great Spirit of Bali), holy spirits, and Gods.

Ida Rsi Wisesanatha is the High Priest, Leader and Spiritual Master of the ‘Forum Studi Majapahit’ since 2003. His guidance supports his students who are passionate in serving the people, restoring the spirit of Dharma, and helping people find their way to enlightenment.

Prior to his appointment as High Priest, Ida Rsi started his professional career in a junior role within the hospitality industry, successfully working his way to the top of his profession as President Director of a Hotel Management company.

He continues his role as mentor for several younger leaders of the next generation, inspiring them to be their best selves through growth and challenge.

Druid Priestess Dr. Shari Tarbet (Self-Paced Only)


Author of the Conquered Feminine EVIDENCE OF THE DEMONIZATION OF THE FEMININE IN LANGUAGE. A lifelong interest in mythology, Dr. Tarbet holds degrees in Mythological Studies/ Depth Psychology, English/History Education, and Broadcast Journalism. An educator for over 30 years, she currently teaches short courses on myth at the OSHER Institute. She also has taught Navajo students at Dine college in New Mexico. Dr. Tarbet has presented papers on various topics in myth as well as the demonization of the Sacred Feminine in language, history, and myth; won second place in the Children’s Lit. category at the SWW convention in the 90s; and has had her poetry published in Southwest Women’s Poetry Exchange, and Between: Literary Review, She co-produced the Bal de Korai, a dance performance blending her original poetry on twelve Greek goddesses, Middle Eastern music, and solo belly dance performances in which the dancers embodied the goddesses. Dr. Tarbet currently lives in Albuquerque, New Mexico with her two cats Olivia and Jasper.

Balinese Priestess Luh Manis Pranasanti (Self-Paced Only)


Luh was born and raised in Bali and she is trained “Jero” or Balinese Priestess, who has responsibility in her local community to lead ceremonies. On becoming a Jero, she found her sensitivity to energy heightened, so she turned to yoga and meditation to balance it. She has since gained her 200 hour Yoga Teacher Training from Shakti Mhi, at Prana Yoga College. She now practices and teaches Hatha and Prana Yoga and meditation full time. She is also a retreat leader and Founder of Pranasanti, which was founded on the traditional and uniquely Balinese philosophy of Tri Hita Karana, that translates as ‘ Three causes of well-being ‘. Through her tours, retreats and classes at Pranasanti, Luh shares her passion for the nature, culture and spirituality of Bali with others who want to do something a bit different and delve deep into Bali’s culture, magic and ancient wisdom. She believes that her purpose is to help others to find their hidden ability and gift by sharing her views, knowledge and wisdom from Bali to everyone she meets through her activities in a way that is deep, authentic and unique.

Our Venue:

Swasti Eco Cottages

is a culinary and hospitality project in the heart of Ubud, Bali, striving to become a model for sustainability, nurturing local producers, and protecting our planet. Here, in a sanctuary tucked among the lush gardens and quiet neighborhoods of Ubud, Bali, you can breathe deeply, and reconnect with yourself, and with nature.

**Important: accommodation is NOT included in the training investment fee.  You can stay at Swati Eco Cottages or any place close by in Nyuh Kuning. For reservation at Swasti please contact them directly. You can also find them through www.booking.com**

Swasti Website

In-Person in Bali

1 - 18 March'25


3600 €

Full Payment


Accommodation NOT included

In-Person in Bali

1 - 18 March'25


1900 €

2x monthly installment


Accommodation NOT included

Apply here to join the training

Self Paced Online 



Immediate Access 


The Priestess Self Paced Option is also part of our Devi Temple, Our Ongoing Membership Program that holds over 700+ h of vedic wisdom, ritual, mantra, guided meditation content along with weekly and monthly Temple Rituals, Sharing Circles & Pūjās.

We are also receiving cryptocurrency as payment.
If you want to pay with crypto please reach out directly to [email protected]



Cancellation Policy

Note that your payment is non-refundable. For details please read our Cancellation Policy.