Would You like to watch the videos at your own leisure? You can now upgrade to the ALL ACCESS Pass.
Would You like to watch the videos at your own leisure? You can now upgrade to the ALL ACCESS Pass.
Navarātri Festival
- ALL Recordings from this years Navarātri (approx. 52 hours)
- ALL Recordings from Navarātri 2020, 2021, 2022 (approx 154h)
- Bonus: Shakti Awakening & Mantra Course (approx 45h)
- Bonus: All extra Material from this year's Navarātri's Guest Speakers:
PARUL | Bonus - Vedic Practices to connect with Devi through the Moon
MEHER | Bonus: DEVI - Embodying 7 Goddess Archetypes Through Artistic Exploration
SATYA LIGHTS | BONUS - Chakra Healing & Activation Meditation
JENNY JANAKI | BONUS - Womb Yoga Relaxed Woman & Sensual Night Ritual
AMIT SHARMA | BONUS - Dhrupad Deepening
LOVISA | Bonus - Birth as a Goddess, Your Sensual Morning Ritual
KAMADEVI | Bonus Shiva Shakti Kundalini Internalised
KAYA | Bonus, A Mūlādhāra Practice: A Therapeutic Guided Practice for Opening the Root of Your Spine, the Home of the Goddess.
- Give Back to All of the Guest Speakers
GET THE ALL ACCESS PASS (3x monthly payments)
Navarātri Festival
- ALL Recordings from this years Navarātri (approx. 52 hours)
- ALL Recordings from Navarātri 2020, 2021, 2022 (approx 154h)
- Bonus: Shakti Awakening & Mantra Course (approx 45h)
- Bonus: All extra Material from this year's Navarātri's Guest Speakers:
PARUL | Bonus - Vedic Practices to connect with Devi through the Moon
MEHER | Bonus: DEVI - Embodying 7 Goddess Archetypes Through Artistic Exploration
SATYA LIGHTS | BONUS - Chakra Healing & Activation Meditation
JENNY JANAKI | BONUS - Womb Yoga Relaxed Woman & Sensual Night Ritual
AMIT SHARMA | BONUS - Dhrupad Deepening
LOVISA | Bonus - Birth as a Goddess, Your Sensual Morning Ritual
KAMADEVI | Bonus Shiva Shakti Kundalini Internalised
KAYA | Bonus, A Mūlādhāra Practice: A Therapeutic Guided Practice for Opening the Root of Your Spine, the Home of the Goddess.
- Give Back to All of the Guest Speakers
"My experience with this Magical Festival has been so overwhelming. At first, I found myself frustrated because I was not able to Zoom. However, I realized that you gave us the amazing opportunity to watch the recordings… So I did that! I have been going through a challenging phase in my life… illness, stress from quitting my job … It was a very emotional and financially difficult moment for me. So this Festival was my savior ! "
~Festival Participant
"Thank you thank you, thank you so much for sharing this sacred knowledge and sacred practices! It's a priceless gift!
Om devyai namaha "
"I feel so safe in this container of ongoing rituals. I had a “wake up” week and met with shadows. Coming into ritual here, tapping into Women’s Wisdom and Teachings here has been really supportive and Divine in timing for what I am experiencing in daily life right now. Thank you Shāradā & Team."
"When you think about nature, she doesn’t hold back. She does beauty in an outrageous way."
~Clare Dubois
"I feel so much lighter today! Thank you to this Sacred Moment. Yesterday was a strong day… releasing a lot of emotions. Thank you."
"This has become my daily safe space <3"
~Festival Participant
"Thank you for this deep juicy practice 🙏❤️ leaving now with calmness and gratitude 🌺"
~Fritze Kops
"Thank you very much for this awesome session..Grateful and blessed..Lovely..Namaste from Mauritius 🙏 With Love"
"So happy to be with you all! thanks again Sharada and your team for all that you are and that you give to the world!"
~Maria Jar
"I am soft and tender going through sacred traditions so grateful for this nourishing space to restore and nurture ❤️"
~Rebecca Simpkin
"I am so thrilled to be here, joining from Australia at night time. Sharada I bow to you and to all devis here and on the subtle realm. Lots of movement in my emotional body, spent lots of yesterday’s puja crying and lots of crying today. Beautiful release."
~Natalie Hynd
"Thank you so much for this space Sharada. I have been here the past few days and have experienced so much transformation from being here and your beautiful rituals. So touched and inspired by you."
"This is stirring up a lot for me - sitting with that - and looking forward to really working with all that arises - and very grateful that I am here and coming more and more back to my wholeness."
"The activation was very soft on my system but felt very powerful in my energy body. My body was so soft, felt safe to surrender into the space. The moments that followed released energy from my body. The activation on my throat was amazing; the light language just poured from my heart. Like, finally, we can flow freely. Permission to speak, not get rejected for it. I feel centered and grounded. Thank you so much for this."
Your VIP All Access Pass Includes
All of the Recordings from This Year's Navarātri
+ All extra Material from the Guest Speakers from Navarātri 2024
+ All of the Recordings from Navarātri 2020, 2021, 2022
+ The Shakti Awakening & Mantra Course

Ibu Robin - Yoni Owner's Manual - Passion Weaves Peace
Jenny Janaki - Sensual Somatic Embodiment
Ida Rsi & Mahadevi - Essence of Meditation & Energy/Chakra Activation
Emma Öberg - Making Each Other Strong
Theo McTigue - Nurturing Gender-Diverse Inclusivity Through the Divine Feminine
Purnama - Voice Liberation
Uma Filipa Veiga - Seasonal Self Care / Going into Autumn
Purnama & Juan Manuel Burgos - Way of the Heart
Swamini Brahmaprajnananda Saraswati Ph.D - Devi Shakti and Connectedness with All
Miguel Homem - From Darkness to Light
Amir Jaan - White Tantra & Yindalini
Beta (Gaiana) Lisboa - Fascia Fluidity Myofascial Release
Lovisa Dahl - Orgasmic Birth
Bibi Brzozka - Energy Orgasms
Disa Minuer - Cyclic Mastery
Marlia Coeur - Song of Your Soul
Joseph Wallin - Vocal Embodiment
Parul Devi - The Nava Grahas and the Nava Durgas
Satya Lights - Living Espavo - Empowerment Through Healing and Embodiment
Amit Sharma Bandhavi - The Meditative Power of Dhrupad
Efu Nyaki - Ancestral Energy for Trauma Healing Through Family Constellation System Therapy
Ombaya & Fabs - Crypto & Sovereignty - Your Path to Decentralized Wealth
Kāmadevī Carla Zürcher - Potent Delicacy
Petros - Awareness of the Creative & Transformative
Nadine Lee - Dark Feminine, Dark Masculine, Shadow Integration, Sexual Polarity
Kaya Mindlin - Shakti, Destiny and Dharma
Dee & Pete - Ancestor Ritual & Khadgamala Shri Yantra Puja
Your VIP All Access Pass Includes
All of the Recordings from This Year's Navarātri
+ All extra Material from the Guest Speakers from Navarātri 2024
+ All of the Recordings from Navarātri 2020, 2021, 2022
+ The Shakti Awakening & Mantra Course

Ibu Robin - Yoni Owner's Manual - Passion Weaves Peace
Jenny Janaki - Sensual Somatic Embodiment
Ida Rsi & Mahadevi - Essence of Meditation & Energy/Chakra Activation
Emma Öberg - Making Each Other Strong
Theo McTigue - Nurturing Gender-Diverse Inclusivity Through the Divine Feminine
Purnama - Voice Liberation
Uma Filipa Veiga - Seasonal Self Care / Going into Autumn
Purnama & Juan Manuel Burgos - Way of the Heart
Swamini Brahmaprajnananda Saraswati Ph.D - Devi Shakti and Connectedness with All
Miguel Homem - From Darkness to Light
Amir Jaan - White Tantra & Yindalini
Beta (Gaiana) Lisboa - Fascia Fluidity Myofascial Release
Lovisa Dahl - Orgasmic Birth
Bibi Brzozka - Energy Orgasms
Disa Minuer - Cyclic Mastery
Marlia Coeur - Song of Your Soul
Joseph Wallin - Vocal Embodiment
Parul Devi - The Nava Grahas and the Nava Durgas
Satya Lights - Living Espavo - Empowerment Through Healing and Embodiment
Amit Sharma Bandhavi - The Meditative Power of Dhrupad
Efu Nyaki - Ancestral Energy for Trauma Healing Through Family Constellation System Therapy
Ombaya & Fabs - Crypto & Sovereignty - Your Path to Decentralized Wealth
Kāmadevī Carla Zürcher - Potent Delicacy
Petros - Awareness of the Creative & Transformative
Nadine Lee - Dark Feminine, Dark Masculine, Shadow Integration, Sexual Polarity
Kaya Mindlin - Shakti, Destiny and Dharma
Dee & Pete - Ancestor Ritual & Khadgamala Shri Yantra Puja

Ibu Robin - Power of Mother’s Love
Ni Luh Manis - The Power of Community
Uma Dinsmore-Tuli - Restoring Rhythmic Cycles of Deep Feminine Power - A Radical Yogic Act of Collective Rest
Jane Hardwicke Collings - The Autumn Woman Archetype & Wise Womanhood - Menopause
Nadeshwari Joythimayananda - She is Me
Vaidika Bali - Feminine Power, Feeling, & Embodiment through Balinese Arts
Dr. Shari Tarbet - Sharing of a Poem
Sheila Kamara Hay - Ecstatic Birth: A Divine Blueprint for all Creation
Charli Kornblum - "Return to the Sacred" Vocal Sound Healing to Uplift and Empower
Prema Mayi - The Power of Devotion through Sacred Sounds & Devotional Kirtan
Jelena Devī - Mother's of This Earth ~ Dance & Embodiment Journey

Shāradā Devī - Daily Sadhāna, Abhisheka & Sacred Sexuality Swamini Brahmaprajnananda -Devi and the dance of Dharma - story of Devi Mahatmyam
Dr. Uma Dinsmore - Tuli - Yoni Shakti - Womb Yoga & Special Panel on Eradicating Abuse of Women in Yoga
Clare Dubois - Embodying Ecstatic Nature
Bex Tyrer - Women's Health Activist
Dr. Sujatha Kekada - Ayurveda
Sanna Akasha Tobias - The knowledge that gives inner freedom
Kaya - Kundalini Shakti - Nourishing the Devi within
Kay Rose - The Art of Sacred Touch
Emily Kuser - Women's SelfCare - The Gift of Grief
Beta Lisboa - The Wisdom of the Menopause & C-Section Healing

Dr. Uma Dinsmore - Tuli - Yoni Shakti - Womb Yoga & Special Panel on Eradicating Abuse of Women in Yoga
Clare Dubois - Embodying Ecstatic Nature
Bex Tyrer - Women's Health Activist
Dr. Sujatha Kekada - Ayurveda
Sanna Akasha Tobias - The knowledge that gives inner freedom
Kaya - Kundalini Shakti - Nourishing the Devi within
Kay Rose - The Art of Sacred Touch
Emily Kuser - Women's SelfCare - The Gift of Grief
Beta Lisboa - The Wisdom of the Menopause & C-Section Healing
Parul Dave - Vedic Astrology / Joytish
Daniela Mandala - The Golden Manifesto. Piercing Reality through Heart Radiance.
Disa Mineur - Fertility Awareness & the Menstrual Cycle
Meghan Currie - Love Every Moment
Taj Savitri - Becoming Intimate the Multidimensional Self
Tove Folkesson - Finding Your Voice - Writing Your Story
Prema Mayi - Kirtan - Devotional Music
Arti - To Awaken the Within as we Dance Through the 9 Nights
Nidhi Singh - Sufi Whirling Meditation
Monali - Developing Devotion - Dance & Music traditions of Bali & India
Nalini Blossom - Singer Songwriter & Womb Awakening Mentor

Shāradā Devī - Daily Sadhāna, Abhisheka Swamini Brahmaprajnananda -Devi and the dance of Dharma - story of Devi Mahatmyam
Dr. Uma Dinsmore - Tuli - Yoni Shakti - Womb Yoga & Special Panel on Eradicating Abuse of Women in Yoga
Clare Dubois - Embodying Ecstatic Nature
Bex Tyrer - Women's Health Activist
Dr. Sujatha Kekada - Ayurveda
Sanna Akasha Tobias - The knowledge that gives inner freedom
Kaya - Kundalini Shakti - Nourishing the Devi within
Kay Rose - The Art of Sacred Touch
Emily Kuser - Women's SelfCare - The Gift of Grief
Beta Lisboa - The Wisdom of the Menopause & C-Section Healing
Parul Dave - Vedic Astrology / Joytish
Daniela Mandala - The Golden Manifesto. Piercing Reality through Heart Radiance.
Disa Mineur - Fertility Awareness & the Menstrual Cycle
Meghan Currie - Love Every Moment
Taj Savitri - Becoming Intimate the Multidimensional Self
Tove Folkesson - Finding Your Voice - Writing Your Story
Prema Mayi - Kirtan - Devotional Music
Arti - To Awaken the Within as we Dance Through the 9 Nights
Nidhi Singh - Sufi Whirling Meditation
Monali - Developing Devotion - Dance & Music traditions of Bali & India
Nalini Blossom - Singer Songwriter & Womb Awakening Mentor

Sanna - Coming Home in Yourself
Emily Kuser - Sex, Death & Money
Nathalie Sommer - The Guided Womb Healing Gathering
Amy Thiessen - Voices of the Goddess
Daniela Garza Rio - Medicine Womben
Bex Tyrer - Unwind the feminine Yoga for Woman
Maryse Cote - Be the Heroine of Your Own Myth, Living Sexuality from the Inside Out
Lakshya - Prenatal Yoga Class
Marie Close - Dance & Art Life Ritual
Prema Mayi - Magical Kirtan
Dr. Sujatha - Nurturing Shakthi & Understanding the Fundamentals of Ayurveda
Lindsey - Together we Honor Saraswati, goddess of wisdom, creativity, fresh waters, and so much more
Jenny Janaki - "Beloved Womb" a Yoga class
Beta Lisboa - Yin Fascial Yoga for Stress and Anxiety Reduction
Petra Parvati - "Supported from Within" a Sacred Spine Yoga Therapy
Jo Shakti Argañaraz - Sacred Rage
Ingela - Durga Devi
Kay Balnaves - Self-care abdominal, womb & pelvic massage practice
Sat Sisters - Concert with devotional music

Sanna - Coming Home in Yourself
Emily Kuser - Sex, Death & Money
Nathalie Sommer - The Guided Womb Healing Gathering
Amy Thiessen - Voices of the Goddess
Daniela Garza Rio - Medicine Womben
Bex Tyrer - Unwind the feminine Yoga for Woman
Maryse Cote - Be the Heroine of Your Own Myth, Living Sexuality from the Inside Out
Lakshya - Prenatal Yoga Class
Marie Close - Dance & Art Life Ritual
Prema Mayi - Magical Kirtan
Dr. Sujatha - Nurturing Shakthi & Understanding the Fundamentals of Ayurveda
Lindsey - Together we Honor Saraswati, goddess of wisdom, creativity, fresh waters, and so much more
Jenny Janaki - "Beloved Womb" a Yoga class
Beta Lisboa - Yin Fascial Yoga for Stress and Anxiety Reduction
Petra Parvati - "Supported from Within" a Sacred Spine Yoga Therapy
Jo Shakti Argañaraz - Sacred Rage
Ingela - Durga Devi
Kay Balnaves - Self-care abdominal, womb & pelvic massage practice
Sat Sisters - Concert with devotional music

This includes Guided Meditations, Vedic Teachings and the study of some of the main Goddess and God Archetypes of the Vedic Tradition along with some Devī Embodiment Self Care Practices & Vedic Pūja Ritual.
Bonus: 4 Devī Embodiment Rituals

This includes Guided Meditations, Vedic Teachings and the study of some of the main Goddess and God Archetypes of the Vedic Tradition along with some Devī Embodiment Self Care Practices & Vedic Pūja Ritual.
Bonus: 4 Devī Embodiment Rituals
"Thank you so much! I feel so blessed to experience your wisdom and energy through this meditation. It took some time for my mind to surrender - the moment we put the hands above the hands to offer our gratitude, tears came flowing and I could drop into surrender."
"Beautiful talks. So much to integrate in the heart. Amazing to be with you. 🔥"
"Melting in more wisdom & exploration so beautiful festival on line "
"Today I am feeling churned ~ shed some sacred tears earlier today. Being with the stirrings around sharing something so close to my heart tomorrow. Feeling it all, allowing it to be. Grateful for this sacred space that immediately settles a layer deeper into my body."
"Thank you so much, the most beautiful healing."
"I feel so much softness and gentleness. Being in deep acceptance makes me feel so rich and open. These teachings are the greatest wealth of all. Infinite gratitude for all this here, mangalam."
"Feeling so so blessed by the teachings, you Sharada as my teacher and the community here to come together. So many small shifts happening inside of myself, so many learnings for me to digest. Thank you thank you thank you. Dhanyoham"
"I am starting to feel warm thinking how grateful I am to surrender to this experience during my moon."
~Festival Participant
"LOVELY! Really feeling the orgasmic energy! So much pleasure and bliss and light. Feeling blockages in my throat area, but more openness now."
~Festival Participant
"So helpful to be guided by you. I feel that it was super potent in deepening in relaxation. I definitely felt my central channel becoming clearer and feel peaceful healing. More space."
"Enjoying the process of connecting deeply with my sacred body-mind-temple, my true self, all the beautiful people around and with the sacredness itself ❤️🙏 gratitude insight-outside-in between."
"It has been a while since I was able to connect with community and from day 1, I was able to finally remember my soul again. Puja is early in the morning for me, and it’s a struggle to stay awake, but my 9 yr old daughter makes sure I wake her up so she can watch and listen, or she gets upset lol. She’s really into the goddesses lately, so I’m happy she’s able to integrate with all of you and I’m a proud Mama bc she knows what Puja is!!"
~Festival Participant
"Heart is overflowing, celebrated my Birthday this weekend and feel so blessed by friends and Goddess. Breaking through limitations and getting to practice receiving, such a beautiful challenge, with the guidance of Lakshmi! "
~Sanna Nilsson
"I'm feeling more connected with my body and this Shakti energy and also all the times this energy was repressed, not only for me, but generations... leaning to release and integrate the power of truly listening to myself."
Navarātri Festival
- ALL Recordings from this years Navarātri (approx. 52 hours)
- ALL Recordings from Navarātri 2020, 2021, 2022 (approx 154h)
- Bonus: Shakti Awakening & Mantra Course (approx 45h)
- Bonus: All extra Material from this year's Navarātri's Guest Speakers:
PARUL | Bonus - Vedic Practices to connect with Devi through the Moon
MEHER | Bonus: DEVI - Embodying 7 Goddess Archetypes Through Artistic Exploration
SATYA LIGHTS | BONUS - Chakra Healing & Activation Meditation
JENNY JANAKI | BONUS - Womb Yoga Relaxed Woman & Sensual Night Ritual
AMIT SHARMA | BONUS - Dhrupad Deepening
LOVISA | Bonus - Birth as a Goddess, Your Sensual Morning Ritual
KAMADEVI | Bonus Shiva Shakti Kundalini Internalised
KAYA | Bonus, A Mūlādhāra Practice: A Therapeutic Guided Practice for Opening the Root of Your Spine, the Home of the Goddess.
- Give Back to All of the Guest Speakers
GET THE ALL ACCESS PASS (3x monthly payments)
Navarātri Festival
- ALL Recordings from this years Navarātri (approx. 52 hours)
- ALL Recordings from Navarātri 2020, 2021, 2022 (approx 154h)
- Bonus: Shakti Awakening & Mantra Course (approx 45h)
- Bonus: All extra Material from this year's Navarātri's Guest Speakers:
PARUL | Bonus - Vedic Practices to connect with Devi through the Moon
MEHER | Bonus: DEVI - Embodying 7 Goddess Archetypes Through Artistic Exploration
SATYA LIGHTS | BONUS - Chakra Healing & Activation Meditation
JENNY JANAKI | BONUS - Womb Yoga Relaxed Woman & Sensual Night Ritual
AMIT SHARMA | BONUS - Dhrupad Deepening
LOVISA | Bonus - Birth as a Goddess, Your Sensual Morning Ritual
KAMADEVI | Bonus Shiva Shakti Kundalini Internalised
KAYA | Bonus, A Mūlādhāra Practice: A Therapeutic Guided Practice for Opening the Root of Your Spine, the Home of the Goddess.
- Give Back to All of the Guest Speakers