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Values of life are the eternal constants of creation that can never be changed. Dharma is unchanging. It is Shāshvatam Dharma or Sanātana Dharma and are eternal values.

I have to understand them and I can assimilate them. I can know that I cannot compromise them without damaging my physical, emotional, and intellectual health. This has to be understood. 

Values are a set of non-rule rules. They are suggestions and guard rails intended to keep one on the “straight-and-narrow‟.

This straight-and-narrow is Dharma; Vedic and universal values which are to be embraced with one’s heart. By doing so, one will live a happier, more purposeful life. Yet, this is not an end in itself, as one will hopefully discover.


We are celebrating you for wanting to invest in yourself in this way

  • ALL Recordings from this years Navarātri (approx. 52 hours)
  • ALL Recordings from Navarātri 2020, 2021, 2022 (approx 154h)
  • Bonus: Shakti Awakening & Mantra Course (approx 45h)
  • Bonus: All extra Material from this year's Navarātri's Guest Speakers: 

    PARUL | Bonus - Vedic Practices to connect with Devi through the Moon

    MEHER | Bonus: DEVI - Embodying 7 Goddess Archetypes Through Artistic Exploration

    SATYA LIGHTS | BONUS - Chakra Healing & Activation Meditation

    JENNY JANAKI | BONUS - Womb Yoga Relaxed Woman & Sensual Night Ritual

    AMIT SHARMA | BONUS - Dhrupad Deepening

    LOVISA | Bonus - Birth as a Goddess, Your Sensual Morning Ritual 

    KAMADEVI | Bonus Shiva Shakti Kundalini Internalised

    KAYA | Bonus, A Mūlādhāra Practice: A Therapeutic Guided Practice for Opening the Root of Your Spine, the Home of the Goddess.

  • Give Back to All of the Guest Speakers 

This is a vast library of knowledge from world class leaders, speakers, mentors.


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What People Are Saying:

The Navarātri Festival was an outpouring of generosity in sharing so much wisdom, knowledge, tools and sacred space holding . I learned so much, felt so inspired and nourished, and deeply touched in my heart. ❤️

Inez Almeida

Sharing the beauty of being human


The Navarātri Festival last year was such a blessing. So much depth, warmth and love. It really is a gift to yourself if you join this festival. Sharada and her team share so much profound wisdom and teaching. I will certainly join this year again!


Dearest, feeling connected-understood-a part of you all is so healing. The safety in the womb you create with all these colorful offerings is a place where we can learn, heal, be. Thank you so much, with love.


Thank you thank you thank you so much for sharing this sacred knowledge and sacred practices! it's a priceless gift 💫💜💫 Om devyai namaha 🙏


I am beyond grateful to this Devī School and the days I have had so far with you. The beautiful Teachings & the Knowledge of Truth. Today is such a special day for me. I have been crying tears of relief, going through sorrow, mourning and more. Bowing down to the Grace and the Auspiciousness of the Devi School. I am sending all my Love to you beautiful Women who have made this possible and to all Teachers who have shared so much. Sending my Love to all Women who are joining here and everywhere. My deepest Gratitude to the teachings of Vedanta in this Sacred form for Women.

Festival Participant

My experience with this Magical Festival has been so overwhelming. At first, I found myself frustrated because I was not able to zoom. However, I realized that you gave us the amazing opportunity to watch the recordings… So I did that! I have been going through a challenging phase in my life… illness, stress from quitting my job … It was a very emotional and financially difficult moment for me. So this Festival was my savior ! The themes were deeply important to cleanse out my shame, the inner critic and welcome my vulnerability. The daily Sādhanas helped me to see “the defensive little one” clearly. I understood my behavior patterns from childhood. There was a lot of “churning of the ocean” and all was bubbling up. I had much more symbolic dreams with clear signs in the nature of Devī. Very powerful messages ! I am so impressed in the way you all held space with such humility, humour and giving me the feeling of being welcome exactly as I am. Know that THIS is an amazing program for Healing women & men worldwide & I am convinced this has changed my life. My Heart is already connected to you all. Know that you all gave us something so precious. With Light and Love


I have been working this week during the festival, so I am following the recordings every day as much as I can. I can’t describe how deep your words and meditations have moved me and offered me the opportunity to heal and reinforce my sacred bond with the divine in me. I feel comforted and connected and very very blessed to be a part of this beautiful family. Thanks a thousand and more

Festival Participant

I have no words! I am overwhelmed by this Navarātri Festival… wow ! I bow deeply.. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!

Festival Participant

I have spent all day in meditation on Devī (goddess), allowing her to form one of her forms on a blank paper. I have just begun coloring. I often felt pressure arise while drawing commissions, not this time. The more she appears , the more alive … free and joyful I feel.


Navarātri was so transformative! The dedication, love and deep compassion from all of the facilitators , especially Shāradā was moving and really really life changing. So necessary… to be in this safe container, to hear, to experience these days was beyond special. With deep gratitude

Renata Rocha

The 9 Nights of Goddess Worship celebrating the Divine Mother in the form of Durgā, Maha Lakshmi and Sarasvati Devi…. Has been such an honor and privilege… I am so grateful to be taking part in this festival full of love, sacredness and sisterhood … much love to Shāradā, Sylwia and the whole Devi School Team for organizing this beautiful online event with such love, grace and dedication, Jai Ma!!

Carolyn Sivaram

Thank you for this lovely nurturing festival. I feel so much more open and blessed. Beyond Grateful. It touched me in the right places. I have been crying, laughing and singing. Warm hugs to you Shāradā & Devīs.
